Friday, August 14, 2009

shoulda-coulda- woulda....

Dear Daddy I look into your eyes each day and i know i'm your love bundle, your special gift from heaven.. So many times, you've called me angel and i know in the depths of your heart, you believe it cos you prayed for God to hand me over to you and he sent one of his special angels to keep you company Over the years, i guess by your standards, i've ended up good... I've finally graduated from uni, not gotten pregnant before i said i do!! gotten myself a good job... ( i mean, it's easy to understand why you always look at me with those beaming smiles... in some ways, i'm proud of me too) But before i allow my self to get too swollen headed, i take a trip down memory lane and i ask myself how would my future have been if i had not taken some of the decisions i did. I know you always tell me to allow my past failures to push me forward and make my future better But dad..... (I SEE US GETTING INTO ONE OF OUR HUGE ARGUEMENTS) so i won't even go there. I just wonder, would my life had been any better if i had heeded to your advise? would i have saved myself some struggles and heartache? if only i had listened, what woulde,coulda,shoulda have been??? Sometimes, i get scared of having some headstrong daughter like me... it scares me crazy but just like you taught me to think for myself, i guess i'd have to allow her make her own mistakes. IT'S SCARY THOUGH. what if she ends up falling for some unworthy guy? maybe, i'd do what you did when i want falling in love with what's-his-name??? i'd pray, fast and pray till they have a huge fight and end their realtionship and then warn him to stay off You are a great dad and i love you. i hope someday, i find such a great dad for my kids too...